Website Design & Development
The Hive provided a new website for Carolina Student Travel Connection.
About Carolina Student Travel
The Carolina Student Travel Connection (CSTC) was formed in 2008 as a means of attracting qualified student group tour business to the Charlotte region. The partnership was established to highlight the outstanding student travel opportunities in the Charlotte region, while demonstrating that the area can provide economical, accessible, educational, performance and multi-day itineraries for student tour operators and educational professionals.
The CSTC also serves as a liaison between student travel planners and attractions, restaurants, lodging and service providers in the region. The current participants in the program are Visit Charlotte, Cabarrus County CVB, Rock Hill/York County CVB, and Olde English Tourism District.
Nature of the Situation
Carolina Student Travel needed the Hive team to design a more efficient and user-friendly website. Doing so would give education professionals a useful tool to learn more about the variety of attractions located in the surrounding area.
Nature of the Solution
Hive students designed a site that highlighted all the area attraction in the Charlotte region. Charlotte has many attractions and through the efforts of the Hive students, they were able to create a searchable database that is searchable by type, location, and subject. The website was developed in WordPress. The logo was also optimized so that it could be better utilized.
The new site displays all of the attractions the Charlotte region has to offer. Now visitors can plan their trips and print a copy of Google maps. They can also link to the Carolina Students Travel Facebook page to stay up to date on the latest events.